America’s crash test girl, Kari Byron (Mythbusters, Crash Test World), joins us to talk about her fifteen years on Mythbusters, her new show Crash Test World and the...
The legendary Harry Shearer (The Simpsons, This is Spinal Tap) joins us to talk about his new collection of Trump songs, The Simpsons, Spinal Tap, his role in the...
Rockstar Astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson joins us to celebrate our 300th episode and talk about his upcoming primetime series Cosmos: Possible Worlds. TheHolePodcast...
Actor/Director Allen Maldonado (The Last OG, Black-ish, Sneakerheads) joins us to discuss his various comedic roles, adjusting to the Hollywood life, getting hit by a...
Former White House Communications Director Anthony Scaramucci, aka The Mooch, joins us to talk about his experiences at the White House, the onslaught of breaking news...
Director Paul Feig (Bridesmaids, Ghostbusters) joins us to discuss his own Artingstall’s Gin, rebooting the mega-franchise Ghostbusters, the success of Bridesmaids and...
Political Strategist Rick Wilson (‘Running Against the Devil’, ‘Everything Trump Touches Dies’) joins us to discuss creating advertisements that drive Trump crazy...
He wrote and sang smash hits such as ‘Babe’, ‘Lady’, ‘The Best of Times’ and ‘Come Sail Away’. Dennis DeYoung joins us for a two-hour episode to talk about...
Actor and comedian Matt Walsh (Veep, Old School, The Daily Show) joins us to to discuss his time on one of the funniest shows of all time in Veep, the difficult moments...
Constantine Maroulis (Rock of Ages, American Idol) joins us to perform two songs with Static, talk growing up in a musical family, the whirlwind experience of Idol...